Q: Where is SIFTandSEASON located
A: We serve the Lexington, West Columbia, Irmo and surrounding areas, including Orangeburg, Camden, and surrounding areas.
Q: How many people can attend a SIFTandSEASON private dinner or dinner party?
A: You can book SIFTandSEASON for a *private dinner* of 2-5 guests, and a *dinner party* of at least twenty (20) guests.
Q: I don’t have a location yet. Can I still plan my event?
A: Please contact us when you have a location secured for your event.
Q: What if a guest is late?
A: The first course will be served approximately 15 minutes after the time indicated on the dinner party invitation. If a guest misses a course due to late arrival, we will not interrupt the flow of service – the guest must wait until the next course.
Q: What if I have dietary restrictions or allergies?
A: Chef Glover can make adjustments to your menu accordingly.